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what is friendcities?

friendcities is an Arizona based art magazine that celebrates friendship, art, and the way they bring us together. it was started in 2023 by andrue, or VP. with every issue more and more contributors would come to support this magazine and to deliver the products we give to you today.

creation process

whenever we begin work on a new zine, we start by finding out what prompts we will be using. In any of our past volumes, you may be able to see in the table of contents. There are three major topics or prompts that we give the artist to work from. The prompts decided by all of the members through a anonymous submission and voting thereafter. Once we have found 3 to 4 prompts that we'd like to use, we begin work. There is a working period of around a month or so, where each of the members has an opportunity to create a piece of work for any of the three or to four prompts. after the due date for the submissions, editorial work goes into the scene, making things like the cover, the table of contents, as well as the music recommendation pages. Once all of this is completed in the machine is ready to be put out, it is posted here on this website, and we announce it on our social media page, @friendcities on Instagram.